Gym time!Dijous 25 de març de 2021
Today we had lots of fun doing gym outside: we jumped, climbed over different obstacle courses, crawled under and over and above all, had tons of fun 🤙🤙🤙!!!
Quan parlem d’estètica en el context de la nostra comunitat educativa ens referim, òbviament, a preparar espais amables, funcionals i rics tant per a les famílies, com per als mestres i, per suposat, per als infants. En aquest sentit, parlar d’estètica a l’escola és incorporar...
To Celebrate Saint Patyrick's Day we explored different learning centers...
Since ☘️ St. Patricks day ☘️ is just around the corner today we made Wheaten bread, a typical bread from Ireland 🤩! And for snack...