
Learning centers in preschool are clearly defined areas, each one with a specific focus. Here are some examples of learning centers: ⭐️Blocks Center ⭐️Dramatic Play Center ⭐️Sensory Center ⭐️Art Center ⭐️ Literacy Center ⭐️ Math skill Center ⭐️ Science Center

L’experimentació sensorial és una proposta de joc lliure que permet als infants omplir, buidar, transvasar, olorar, sentir, tastar posant en joc els seus cinc sentits ✋🦻👃👄👁… A partir de l’assaig-error poden assolir coneixements sobre quantitats (poc-molt), motricitat fina (la pinça, la precisió…) i sobretot la coordinació...

Interest Learning Centers are areas set up within a set space each with a specific focus to encourage children to participate in the focus of that area. The purpose of an Interest Center is to allow children to learn in the way they learn the best: THROUGH PLAY!