Microespais!Dilluns 27 de setembre de 2021
- Experimentació sensorial
- Esquema corporal
- Traç
- Construcció - volum!
“Life isn’t about waiting for the storm 🌧 to pass… It’s LEARNING to dance in the rain”
V. Greene, British writer.
“Never stop experimenting. That is how you become a genius 🍁🍂🍃!” Laura McKellar, artist.
Els Espígols estem ja súper a tope… Així doncs, avui ens hem embolicat la manta el cap i hem fet el Racó del Bon dia tot pintant amb mata-mosques! Què divertit! [videopack id="4395"]https://llardenpitus.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/Primeres-propostes.mp4[/videopack]...
Today we made a healthy fluffy veggie bread so we learn that eating veggies is super fun! We used Potato, Pepper, Zucchini,Milk and a pinch of salt & spices! We worked together in small groups because working as a team we are stronger !!! [videopack id="4250"]https://llardenpitus.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/MJNT4126.mp4[/videopack] Yummy fluffy...