Makin’ Irish potato bread!Dimecres 16 de març de 2022
Publicat a les 12:30h
a Cohesió de grup, curiosity approach, Descoberta de l'entorn, English, Espígols, Som remena-cassoles de mena, tradicions
Ireland 🇮🇪 & potatoes 🥔, potatoes 🥔 & Ireland 🇮🇪…
What best way to celebrate Saint Patrick’s day than to make yummy Irish ☘️ potato bread?
Irish potato bread, or farls, is a staple everyone should know how to cook. Simple to make using only four ingredients, potato, flour, butter, and salt. They are the perfect accompaniment to an Ulster Fry (Irish ☘️Breakfast).
#saintpatricksday #makingpotatobread #irelandandpotatoes #cookingwithkids #bakingwithkids #welovegettingmessy