The importance of recycling…Dijous 10 de març de 2022
Publicat a les 12:43h
a Cohesió de grup, curiosity approach, Descoberta de l'entorn, Educació medioambiental, English, Espígols, Som remena-cassoles de mena
We have tones of fruit in the fridge so we decided to make a yummy strawberry & banana pie from scratch…
It’s important to reuse, reduce & recycle ♻️ as much as we can and it can be sooooo yummy 🤤 too!!!
#makingastrawberrpie #bakingwithkids #bakingfromscratch #sensoryactivities #welovebaking #welovegettingmessy #handsonlearning #pitus #llardenpitus #pedagogiaactiva #acompanyamentrespectuós #schoolpostcovid #escolaviva #escolaactiva #bilingualschool #nurseryschool #llardinfants #escolabressol